AND produces, develops and stages one of the biggest media arts festivals in the UK. Travelling to and mapping a different terrain every occurrence, AND Festival is a rehearsal space and catalyst for new models of working. The programme invites new ways of seeing the world through re-negotiating our relationship to place featuring live cinema events, installations, online projects, residencies, public realm interventions exhibitions, performances, games and apps.

Residencies have been key to AND since it was founded in 2009, providing artists with the opportunity to collaborate with the likes…
Read moreAND Festival: Residencies (2011)

In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were, for particular reasons of…
Read moreA Crowded Apocalypse \ IOCOSE (2011)
Fri 30th Sep — Sat 1st Oct 2011
Interlinking a number of life support machines together to create a gasping, seemingly self-sustaining organism, The Immortal was a new, experimental project which…
Read moreThe Immortal \ Revital Cohen (2011)
Fri 30th Sep — Sun 2nd Oct 2011
In Still Available, Laric scanned the daily news and invented URLs based on the cultural, poltical and technological developments of the day. Purchased domains were then scratched off the list of ‘still available’ URLs, a scorecard for the artists’ accuracy in forecasting profitable domain squatting investments.
Read moreStill Available \ Oliver Laric (2009)

Hanne Mugaas puts her own twist on the fascinating phenomena of live blogging TV – hopeful internet stars posting live webcam streams of themselves watching television, most often live awards shows and other televised events.
Read moreModern Marvels \ Hanne Mugaas (2009)

During the 2009 festival, a marathon surfing session aimed to unearth every possible manner of unauthorized Star Wars related cultural production that…
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