AND produces, develops and stages one of the biggest media arts festivals in the UK. Travelling to and mapping a different terrain every occurrence, AND Festival is a rehearsal space and catalyst for new models of working. The programme invites new ways of seeing the world through re-negotiating our relationship to place featuring live cinema events, installations, online projects, residencies, public realm interventions exhibitions, performances, games and apps.

Empire Drive-In is a large-scale, post-apocalyptic drive-in movie theatre made from wrecked cars and a 40-foot screen constructed of salvaged wood.
AND will be presenting a specially programmed series of film screenings at Empire Drive-In when it comes to Manchester, including new cinema, short films and trashy modern classics such as Mad Max II: Road Warrior.
Read moreEmpire Drive-In / Jeff Stark and Todd Chandler (2012)

The train project is an ongoing body of speculative investigation into the language and aesthetics of transport culture by artists HeHe. They…
Read moreM-Blem: the train project / HeHe (2012)

Pigs Bladder Football launched in 2011 by setting out a remarkable challenge: by August 2012, artist John O’Shea would culture the world’s first bio-engineered football, grown from living cells.
Read morePigs Bladder Football \ John O’Shea (2012)

A Dream Came Through by Lanfranco Aceti questions the politics of exploitative labour. In a durational performance half-naked ‘workers’ sign a contract…
Read moreA Dream Came Through / Lanfranco Aceti (2012)
Thu 30th Aug 2012
Miscommunication Station is a video platform with universal language translation which allows users to communicate with others across space, and also cultures….
Read moreMiscommunication Station / Telekommunisten (2013)

The Inventory is a fanzine compilation of digital artefacts produced online, seeking to explore the relationship between user-generated content and the ways in…
Read moreThe Inventory / Peter Martin and Orla Foster (2012)
Wed 29th Aug — Sun 2nd Sep 2012
Who is really to blame for the current financial crisis? Is it the over-zealous drive of corporate bankers, or the demand for private property?
Are we here because of the pursuit, or indeed failure, of a particular notion of capitalist success?
This exhibition at BlankSpace examines the perpetual disillusionment of a generation of artists living through global financial turmoil.
Read moreWhat have I done to (de)serve this? / Group show (2012)
Thu 30th Aug — Sun 16th Sep 2012
Rafaël Rozendaal is an artist who uses the internet as his canvas. His work researches the screen as a pictorial space, reverse…
Read moreHappy Mondays / Rafaël Rozendaal (2012)

Girl Gang is swagger and adventure, bluff and bravado. Girl Gang is open to any bold and fearless female. Girl Gang challenge…
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