AND Festival 2015 \\ Grizedale Forest, UK \\ 18 -20 September
The festival created a space where audiences could experience the forest anew through inviting world-class artists to create new art works for the historical site. We turned the forest into a laboratory, which became a temporary haven for filmmakers, artists, creative technologists, philosophers and scientists, who explored the secret infrastructure of the forest and natures processes. The programme provided new perspectives on the forest, through the eyes of the plants, animals and machines that inhabited it, allowing visitors an insight into natures technologies as well as emerging trends in digital practice.

We are part of the privileged third of the world’s population that has access to the Internet. Teams at Facebook and Google…
Read moreHow to appear offline forever? / Sebastian Schmieg

Experience In the Eyes of the Animal online. In the Eyes of the Animal enabled audiences to encounter England’s forests anew through…
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