AND Festival 2012 \\ Manchester, UK \\ 29 August – 02 September
AND invited visitors to experience a festival that highlighted the complexities, gradations and anomalies encountered when we examine success as an ideal. AND Festival 2012 continued to be as much about work evolving over time, artists experimenting, and setting ambitious parameters, as it was about finished exhibitions. The experience of success can be fleeting and addictive. Through unusual strategies, the artists and filmmakers presenting in the festival revealed alternative ways of being by offering rich counterpoints to perfection and undermining accepted logic.

Rafaël Rozendaal is an artist who uses the internet as his canvas. His work researches the screen as a pictorial space, reverse…
Read moreHappy Mondays / Rafaël Rozendaal (2012)

29 August – 01 September 2012 The challenge was to take on a new identity, with a little help from Heath Bunting’s…
Read moreNew Identity Residency / Martin Johnson (2012)

As part of a residency initiated in 2011 by AND and DaDa (Disability and Deaf Arts), Irish composer and writer Ailís Ní…
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