AND Festival (Spring) \\ Cumbria, UK \\ 15 March – 10 April 2010
In Spring 2010, audiences joined AND Festival on a digital journey across real and virtual worlds in Cumbria, Lancashire and online, as they abandoned the city to head for the hills. Strange, playful and radical interventions took place across the Northwest’s stunning landscape as a host of artists, scientists and designers mapped the region to question our relationship with nature and technology, food and health, work and play.

Sat 27th Mar 2010
Internationally renowned artist Stanza took over the historic parlour at Towneley Hall with a feast of data collection and visualization.
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Sat 27th Mar — Sun 11th Apr 2010
Sat 27th Mar 2010
The British premiere of Simon Faithfull includes two brand new works, which look at the way the artist continually questions, measures and…
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