AND Festival 2013 \\ Liverpool, UK \\ 03-05 October
AND invited award winning artists from across the world to join in a celebration of the ‘artistic border-crosser’, artists who traverse roles as diverse as the alchemist, ethnographer, engineer and inventor. It was because of this, we changed the usual festival format to create a live laboratory featuring the making of projects and prototypes and inviting audiences to test and contribute to their evolution, like an industrial fable, you were asked to imagine a paradoxical future.

During this years AND festival Jesse Darling will be running a three-day experimental group workshop in Reclaiming Online Overshare for Its Revolutionary Potential, it will be a radical show (& no-show) & tell (& don’t tell). Click for more on the workshop and how to apply to participate details below, deadline 9 June 2013.
Read moreOur Bodies, Our Selfies / Jesse Darling (2013)
Thu 3rd Oct — Sat 5th Oct 2013
During this intensive, two-day workshop students learnt how to manipulate computer networks and how they can be used to manipulate us. By learning…
Read moreNETworkshop / Julian Oliver & Danja Vasiliev (2013)
Thu 3rd Oct — Fri 4th Oct 2013
Adam Brown is an artist who is best known for his alchemical achievements: in The Great Work of the Metal Lover he…
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