Preview weekend round-up
Fri 29 Jun 2012It’s been one of those weeks, mostly spent recovering from our preview events last weekend. Thanks to all that attended and to everyone who made it possible. Here’s what you might have missed.
1) Stanya Kahn launch photos
Thanks to Paul Greenwood for photographing the launch of the Stanya Kahn: It’s Cool, I’m Good (pictured above). The exhibition is open at Cornerhouse, Manchester until 16 Sep. Please tag yourself in this selection of pics is now up on Facebook.
2) Speaking of Stanya…
…an excerpt from an interview with the artist can be found on the Cornerhouse website. The full interview forms part of new Cornerhouse publication Stanya Kahn: It’s Cool, I’m Good, produced to accompany the exhibition of the same name. It’s available now online or from the Cornerhouse bookshop.
3) Humble marketing
Over in Liverpool we took part in the launch of The Humble Market: Trade Secrets, a co-production between ourselves, FACT, Derry – Londonderry – City of Culture 2013 and WE PLAY. An exhibition cum work of promenade theatre this is an exciting new direction for FACT. It’s open until 26 Aug and you’ll have to book on the day for a choreographed tour of the exhibition. To give you a taster, Brian Slater took these excellent pics.
4) Twitterlebrities / Crowdsourced conspiracies / Dropping data is like dropping acid
Exhibitions weren’t the only thing we have launched in the last seven days. Three of our online projects are now live:
- Follow, a live and evolving documentary by Tim Brunsden that focuses on performer Scottee’s experiment to crack the secret of Twitter success. Watch Follow Episode 1 (or subscribe on iTunes) and then do your sacred duty by following @ScotteeScottee.
Follow Ep.1 22nd June HD from Tim Brunsden on Vimeo.
- A Crowded Apocalypse, a new work from Italian art group IOCOSE detailed in a recent blog interview on this very site
- Museum of Glitch Aesthetics, an online repository dedicated to exploring the life and work of the mysterious Artist 2.0. There’s a wealth of material on the site including a plethora of superb and occasionally mindbending videos, visit or sample the video below.
Lake Como Remix from glitchmuseum on Vimeo.
5) And finally…
There is far too much to cram into this blog without it going on nigh on forever, but photos of the Swandown Premiere and Q & A by Paul Greenwood deserve a mention – video footage of that event, together with video and pictures of our UK premiere of AL and AL’s The Creator, to follow as soon as humanly possible.
Some reading material as a parting gift: if you’d like to know more about both The Humble Market: Trade Secrets and Stanya Kahn: It’s Cool, I’m Good, this review of our exhibitions on Corridor8 is an enjoyable read.
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