Open Call / In My Computer
Thu 19 Nov 2015The Link Art Center and Abandon Normal Devices (AND) invite artists to submit proposals for the ongoing book series In My Computer, published by Link Editions. Started in 2011 by the Link Art Center, the series featured so far 8 artist books, and 3 more are scheduled for fall 2015 – Spring 2016. In My Computer #12, however, will be peculiar: the Link Art Center and AND joined forces in order to select and commission a project that will be made public in two steps: first as an online project, and later as a publication. The organizers will support the production of the selected proposal with 900 € towards fees and production costs.
One’s computer is a repository of valuable things that, for some reason, never went public: projects, drafts, short notes, private emails, unreleased interviews, unpublished texts, tales, poems, quotes, image or spam email collections, whatever. If you think this content may be relevant or interesting also for a wider audience; if you think it may work well in book form, circulated digitally or printed on paper; the book series In My Computer may be the right jar for your jam.
Already in this series:
#1 Miltos Manetas, In My Computer # 1, 2011
#2 Chris Coy, After Brad Troemel, 2013
#3 Martin Howse, Diff in June, 2013
#4 Damiano Nava, Let the Right One In, 2013
#5 Evan Roth, Since You Were Born, 2014
#6 Addie Wagenknecht, Technological Selection of Fate, 2014
#7 Roberto Fassone, Giovanna Manzotti, If Art Were To Disappear, 2014
#8 UBERMORGEN, Command-Shift-4 | Screenshots 2001-2014, 2015
#9 Greg Leuch, What Color Is My Internet?, 2015 (upcoming)
#10 Florian Freier, Profile Page, 2015 (upcoming)
#11 Valeria Manicinelli, Chiara Nuzzi and Stefania Rispoli; Davide Giorgetta and Valerio Nicoletti; Marta Ravasi, Photodump, 2016 (upcoming)
In My Computer is a series of books collecting unpublished material available in your computer, produced by LINK Editions and circulated both in digital and printed form through the print-on-demand (POD) service The book can take any shape compatible with POD’s production and distribution standards.
DEADLINE: December 31, 2015
LINK Editions is a publishing initiative of the LINK Art Center, a curatorial platform promoting artistic research with new technologies and critical reflections on the core issues of the information age. LINK Editions uses the print on demand approach to create an accessible, dynamic series of essays and pamphlets, but also catalogues and artist books. All books are released as digital e-books (pdf / epub) and paperbacks. Link Editions is a not-for-profit initiative and all its contents are circulated under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.
Abandon Normal Devices (AND) is a catalyst for new approaches to art-making and digital invention, commissioning ground breaking projects which challenge the definitions of art and moving image. The AND portfolio consists of film happenings, exhibitions, performances, online projects, residencies, public realm interventions and a roaming biennial festival.
This call of proposals is realized in the framework of Masters & Servers. Networked Cultures in the Post Digital Age, a joint project by Aksioma (SI), Drugo more (HR), Abandon Normal Devices (UK), Link Art Center (IT) and d-i-n-a / The Influencers (ES) that was awarded with a Creative Europe 2014 – 2020 grant. For 24 months from September 2014, Masters & Serverswill explore networked culture in the post-digital age.
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