New chair announcement: John Herring
Wed 31 Mar 2021Following the programme announcement for AND Festival 2021, we’re pleased to welcome John Herring as the new Chair of AND’s Board.
John has over 20 years of experience working as a leader across Public Services, including at the Department for Work and Pensions and the NHS. Since its inception in 2016, John has worked as part of the devolution of Health and Care across Greater Manchester, working on a number of areas addressing the leadership and cultural challenges of implementing the Greater Manchester Mayor’s vision for a One Workforce approach to public services across the Greater Manchester devolved region. A proud Salfordian, John set up the Salford Music Cooperative in 2008 and has worked in partnership with Unconvention raising awareness of the unique mental health challenges artists experience. John is an experienced chair, facilitator and coach and is passionate about ensuring that public services are inclusive and diverse.
John joins AND whilst the organisation is actively going through a deep developmental and reflective period with the support of Inc Arts to increase our social and political awareness in regards to the creative sector and its lack of diversity. We are excited to work alongside John to support our work both internally and when presenting new work. Leading the commitment across Greater Manchester public services in addressing Race Equality across the workforce, John is committed to equality, and has been responsible for commissioning work to create change in experience and outcome for racially diverse groups in public services.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing chair Howard Rifkin for his seven years of service with AND – Howard has been an invaluable member of the AND Board and conducted his role as Chair with absolute dedication and tenacity, never flinching in the face of challenging decisions. AND has benefited greatly from his energy, support and drive, he will be greatly missed by us all. Read his farewell Echoes post here.
Catherine Waddington, Executive Director, AND
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