Playthrough of Morphogenic Angels

As part of Worldbuilding and the Nature of Reality, join AND and Keiken inside Modal gallery for a playthrough of their interactive installation Morphogenic Angels Chapter 1 featuring CGI film, virtual reality (VR), and game stations.

On a first-come, first-served basis, the audience can interact with the artists in game play sessions. Please note we expect the gallery to be busy, so your visit may involve a short wait.

Founded in 2015 by Tanya Cruz, Hana Omori and Isabel Ramos, the artist collective Keiken are collaboratively building and imagining speculative futures to test-drive new ways of existing. They do this through filmmaking, gaming, installation, XR, blockchain, and performance. Find out more about Keiken.

Commons is a collaboration between Abandon Normal Devices (AND) and the School of Digital Arts (SODA). AND is supported with public funding from Arts Council England.


Game stills courtesy of artists.

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