George Buckenham / Cheap Bots, Done Quick!
As part of The Art of Bots showcase, George Buckenham led a free bot making workshop, inspired by his Cheap Bots, Done Quick! project.
Project Intro:
Cheap Bots Done Quick! is a free and radically accessible botmaking tool for making Twitterbots. Over the two days of The Art of Bots, George will deliver a bot-beginners drop-in workshop, where you can learn more about what bots are, how they work and even have a go at creating your own. The workshop will be simple and quick to complete, no programming knowledge is necessary at all – just an inquisitive and curious mind!
Artist Bio:
George Buckenham is the creator of the botmaking platform, Cheap Bots, Done Quick!, as well as many bots of his own, including @unicode_garden, @softlandscapes and He also works as a game maker (currently as designer on Fabulous Beasts, a digital-physical block stacking game) and digital curator of Now Play This, a festival of games and play held at Somerset House.